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Author Archives: Webmaster15

Heating Options for your Wisconsin Home

There are a variety of methods employed by Wisconsinites to keep their homes and spaces warm in the winter months.  These methods include furnace or boiler systems, indoor or outdoor wood stoves and pellet heaters, solar heat, geothermal heating, electric baseboards, and radiant floor heating systems.  Depending on the size of your home, your budget, and your desires, any one of these home heating options could be perfect for you.  Here’s a quick overview of each home heating  system to help you decide how to heat your space this coming winter.


Furnaces and Boiler Systems

This is the method most used by American homes.  Furnaces force heated air throughout your home by way of a ductwork system while the boiler method uses hot water or steam to keep your space warm.  These systems vary in efficiency, particularly depending upon the age of your system.

Woodstoves and Pellet Heaters

Indoor or outdoor wood stoves and pellet heaters are not what they used to be:  the new generation that represents this off-the-grid heating style is cleaner burning, more efficient, and more powerful than its predecessors.  Many are choosing this route of heat due to its ability to keep utility costs down.

Solar Heat

Solar heat is a clean, environmentally friendly option that boasts government and taxation benefits in the form of rebates and potential monetary rewards.

Geothermal Heat

Geothermal heating harnesses the relatively stable temperature of the earth below to heat your home.  The advances in this technology have made it an accessible and affordable heating option for residential and commercial properties.

Electric Baseboard and Radiant Floor Heat

Both of these methods of heating your home use electricity to control the temperature of your space.  The advantage of these best heating systems for home is that you can control room to room temperatures dependent upon usage and the time of day.

No matter which method you choose to heat your home this winter, Earth Energy Systems WI is here to help and can provide you with more information to help you decide if your current system needs improvements (heating installation, furnace repair, ductwork revamp, etc.) or if you need a fresh, efficient best heating system installed.  Contact us today for more information on home heating options!

Why an Outdoor Wood Stove Should be on Your Radar

outdoo rwood stove

I know, I know—it’s not quite mid-July. Why am I breaking the unspoken northern-dwellers rule of pretending winter is a season far, far off in the distance? Why would I bring up outdoor wood stoves and outdoor wood burning cookers when temperatures are still hovering in the 80s and 90s?

One word: preparedness. Being prepared for the upcoming winter season may not be the first thing on your mind the week after celebrating the Fourth of July, but this is the perfect time to get your home equipped with an outdoor wood stove for the cold that is coming.

About Outdoor Wood Stoves

Let’s talk about outdoor wood stoves.  An outdoor wood stove is a wood burning unit placed outside of the home that that heats via a boiler system.  This heat is transferred underground into your home and distributed throughout by way of your furnace blower.  Simple, effective, and efficient.

Advantages of Wood Heat

Why would you choose to heat your home with wood rather than a conventional propane, electric, or natural gas option? A primary reason homeowners choose this route is financial. Most of your winter utility bill can be eliminated with a wood burning stove. Additionally, an outdoor wood burning stove can be used to heat multiple buildings on your property (think garage or shed) with one stove. Outdoor wood stoves, including exterior wood stoves, are therefore an excellent choice for folks looking to heat outbuildings as well as their home in a budget-friendly, affordable manner.

Considerations to Make

Some considerations to make when thinking about installing an external wood burning stove: do you have access to wood? Do you have space to install the unit? And if you live in a suburban area, you’re going to want to be sure that the unit you choose is neighbor friendly. Cheaper units tend to emit more smoke than better models, which obviously becomes an issue when neighbors are in close proximity.

Here at Earth Energy Systems, we want to help you stay ahead of the game and be prepared for each coming season. Outdoor wood stoves and garage wood stoves are some of your heating and cooling options, and we’re here to serve you. From Luck to Grantsburg, Danbury to Siren, Spooner to Hayward and beyond, Earth Energy has all of your Wisconsin heating and cooling needs covered. Contact us today!

5 Facts About Geothermal Heating and Cooling


We’ve talked a bit here on the blog about geothermal heating, what it is, what it does, how it works; that sort of thing.  Our goal was to give you an overview of the technology and a basic understanding of what it can do for your home or business as well as the environment.  Big picture:  it’s an incredible step forward in green energy that ever more individuals are tapping into.

Here’s the rub:  as with any new advancement in tech, there are naysayers that spread myths and cloud the masses’ vision.  We want to help clear away the fog a bit and give you some facts often misunderstood about geothermal heating and cooling.

Fact 1:  Geothermal is quiet

People often assume this technology is loud and obtrusive, but the reality is quite the opposite.  These systems are quiet and have no exterior equipment to ruffle your noise-sensitive neighbor’s feathers.

Fact 2:  Geothermal heating and cooling systems last

In the past, as with all things new and progressive, there were systems that failed due to improperly sized loops and differing learning curve issues.  We’re beyond that today, and these systems can now last for generations.

Fact 3:  Refrigerant is not pumping through your loops in the ground

Most geothermal heating and cooling systems use water, not refrigerant, in their underground loops.  No need to worry about refrigerant leaking into your soil.

Fact 4:  Geothermal heats and cools

Geothermal is not just for heating purposes!  Because of the way the earth conserves and maintains temperature, your home or office building can stay comfortable year round with geothermal.  This is an all in one comfort maintaining system.

Fact 5:  You can afford a geothermal system

Again, new technology has it’s pitfalls, and one of them is the initial expense.  However, not only has geothermal heating and cooling been around long enough to have established itself outside the realm of “newness,”  it has garnered attention from local and federal energy conservationists and can be credited to the point that you’re paying the same as you would for conventional.

This, all while doing your part to save the planet.  Feel like a superhero yet?

You should!  Contact Earth Energy Systems today for all of your heating and cooling needs and talk to us about geothermal heating and cooling.  We are your resident air conditioning and heating experts, no matter which route you choose to keep your space comfortable.

Advantages of Ductless Air Conditioning


When it comes to cooling your home or business, many factors come into play.  Cost, the size of your space, and the feasibility of installing a specific system are just a few.  Other issues you might consider are the functionality and flexibility of the unit and what challenges maintenance may present over the course of time.  With a ductless air conditioning and heating unit, all of these considerations become simple and straightforward.

Why Choose Ductless?

Why might you choose to install a ductless air conditioning unit (also referred to as mini-split systems, split systems, multi-split systems, or split-ductless systems)?  Advantages abound with this type of air conditioning and heating system, with simplicity being an attractive headliner.

Flexibility and Efficiency

Traditional heating and cooling systems force air through ducts; as the name implies, a ductless systems delivers air directly into specific areas, giving you greater flexibility and control in temperature regulation.  These systems can be installed a variety of situations and applied to solve the inefficiency problems of window air units, space heaters, and baseboard heaters.

Money Saved

Speaking of efficiency, nothing on the market beats ductless air conditioners when it comes to effectively cooling your home or office.  Forced air systems are chronically inefficient since they have to push air through imperfect materials to regulate your air temperature.  As previously mentioned, the direct delivery of air with a ductless system allows for near perfect efficiency and gives you control over which rooms to keep cool depending upon occupancy.

Easier Breathing

This efficiency has an obvious benefit:  more money in your pocket.  You will save cash with a ductless air conditioner in the long run and leave a smaller carbon footprint while you’re at it.  These systems are also simple and non-invasive to install and, last but not least, they improve your air quality due to their multi-stage air filtration system.  Ducted systems must be professionally cleaned in order to achieve this standard, and even then, they aren’t actively purifying your air with an air filtration system.

The advantages of ductless air conditioning are abundantly clear:  contact Earth Energy Systems today for all of your air conditioning and heating needs and to learn more about how you can save with ductless air conditioning!

Prepare for Summer with a Cooling System through Earth Energy

Summer is finally here!  In the Midwest we know that oftentimes the heat of summer comes on quickly, and with Earth Energy, you can be ready for any weather by setting up the proper cooling system.  Whether you choose a geothermal heating and cooling system, a ductless air conditioning system, or another traditional air conditioning unit, Earth Energy can get you on the right track to keeping your home or business cool in time for sweltering summer temperatures.

Are you looking for an energy efficient and earth friendly way to regulate temperatures in your home or commercial building?  If so, geothermal heating is the perfect solution for you.  This summer, you could be using the simple yet limitless power of the earth to keep cool.  Not only is this a practical solution for keeping your space comfortable, it’s ultra-environmentally sound and recommended by the ECO (Energy Conservation Organization).

Whatever your home setup or financial situation looks like, we can get you on your way to having a cool home this summer.  Our ductless air conditioners give you the opportunity to bypass the traditional ductwork of air conditioning systems and are incredibly energy and cost-efficient. With air-source heat pumps, you can have the same cooling and heating power, but with the added bonus of a unit that works in reverse during the winter months. This cooling system features easy installation and is perfect for any home.

If your ductwork is already in place and you simply need an updated air conditioning unit, you’ve come to the right place.  Earth Energy can get you set up with the perfect unit for your home or commercial building.  Important considerations when purchasing a new air conditioning unit are the dimensions of your building and the energy efficiency you’d like to achieve.  With our experience and expertise both residentially and commercially, we are confident that we can meet your cooling needs no matter the challenge.

Don’t let the summer sun get a jump on you:  be ready to combat the humidity and heat and keep your home at your ideal temperature by contacting Earth Energy today and getting your cooling system ready to roll.



What is Geothermal Heating and How Does it Work?

Geothermal HeatingHearing the word ‘geothermal’ sounds intriguing, but most people don’t fully understand the meaning. If we break the term down, we see ‘geo’, which simply means “of or relating to the earth” and thermal, which is associated with heat or heating.  Maybe you were already on the right track, and if so, you’re well on your way to comprehending geothermal heating and how it works.  Keep reading to get answers to some basic questions about this simple and yet powerful technology.

How Does Geo Heating Work?
The earth produces its own heat naturally from the warmth of the sun and the biological energy that’s expended under the crust (that’s the layer of the earth that you and I regularly observe). This heat is continually being organically produced and is inherently renewable. When we talk about geothermal heating, we’re discussing capturing that natural heat from the ground and directing it into your home.  Piping loops are installed underground which capture the heat and lead it into the house. These pipes are buried in the ground in order to maintain a more consistent temperature than the outside air, particularly useful when we consider the extreme seasonal temperatures of Wisconsin. Once the heat from the earth is absorbed into the solution in the pipe loops, it is then directed into the home’s ventilation system, allowing the heat to circulate throughout the house.

Is it Truly More Cost Effective Than Electric or Propane Heat?
This is an important question and one to which we can give you a confident, “Yes!” In Wisconsin and the Midwest, geothermal heating is the most inexpensive way to heat or cool your home. Using geothermal technology as your home’s heating and cooling system is the most energy-efficient and environmentally friendly way to regulate the temperature in your house. It is 30%-50% times more efficient than traditional electric or propane alternatives which will save you a substantial amount of money each year. These systems may seem more expensive with their upfront installation cost, but they typically pay for themselves in 8 to 12 years.  As an added bonus, the government will reward you with a tax credit for choosing an earth friendly way to temperature regulate your home.

How Environmentally Friendly are Geothermal Systems?
Since the loops of piping used in geothermal heating are in the ground gathering the natural heat that is produced and housed there, zero natural resources are being burned up (think: fossil fuels). Instead of using more energy to create heat, geothermal technology is gently transferring what’s readily available from the earth into your home using electricity. Because of these facts, geothermal heating and cooling systems in Wisconsin are the most effective way to limit the external resources being used to keep your home comfortable.  In addition, these systems have been tested, approved, and rewarded with ENERGY STAR efficiency which is the highest award available from the Energy Conservation Organization (ECO).

By tapping into the earth’s natural heat sources, your home’s heating system could not be any more natural. Take a look at geothermal heating and cooling systems in Wisconsin and ask one of the professionals at Earth Energy Systems to find you the perfect fit for your home.

Don’t Let Summer Heat Keep you from Enjoying the Season

Summer up north is a time we tend to relish as the temperatures soar and we can spend more time outdoors.  But as you know, the Midwest is bound to bouts of humidity and temperatures sometimes as extreme as our winters.  Don’t wish the glory of summer warmth away because your home isn’t properly equipped for the weather:  a functional cooling system is imperative so that you can enjoy the oasis that is the outdoors while still having the ability to properly cool off and rest.  There’s no need to endure sleepless nights and stressful days simply because you don’t have the air conditioning in your home to keep you and your family comfortable, cool, and dry.

In Burnett and Polk County Wisconsin cities like Spooner, Hayward, and Grantsburg, the cooling system is a necessity during the peak of summer.  A cool space gives you the freedom to accomplish your everyday household tasks without becoming worn down and lethargic from the oftentimes heavy heat that midwestern summers bring.  Your productivity and energy levels will stay high, and you’ll have a welcome respite to come in to after enjoying time outside.  In an office setting, the same principles apply:  studies have shown that keeping workplaces at an optimal temperature can greatly affect the outcome of employees.  Ensuring your staff is comfortable makes for a profitable outcome and budget in the long run!

Now that you are fully aware on the benefits of a cooling system, don’t delay:  stay one step ahead of the heat and get yourself set up for comfort.  First, make sure you consider a few important items before you go shopping for an air conditioner for your home or office:

  • Consider the brands that are readily available on the market. There are many air conditioning brands to choose from, so do your research (or contact Earth Energy Systems for assistance) to determine which is the best brand for A/C systems in Wisconsin.
  • Choose the brand with the features that best suit your household or office ventilating system needs. You may want to consult professionals who can provide in-depth insight on which cooling system to choose and which would be best for your home or office ventilation.
  • Look for reasonable cost and high quality construction in the cooling system before making a purchase.
  • Make sure that the air conditioning system that you are going to purchase has a valid warranty.
  • Ask if installation is included upon purchase or if it would have to be self-installed; if you’re on your own for installation and are out of your depth, ask what the price is to have the air conditioner installed by a professional.

Consider all of the benefits that getting an air conditioning system will get you.  An up-front investment is inevitable but will be well worth it to get a restful night of sleep and have a comfortable space to rest out of the blaze of the summer heat.  Take a step toward better health and fulfillment in the summer months; you won’t regret it.  Consult Earth Energy Systems today and we’ll get you on the right track to making the most of your summer this year.

How Does Ductless Air Conditioning Save Energy?

Ductless Air ConditioningWith summer fast approaching, the demand for air conditioners used to provide cooling in homes and offices grows.  The market is primed to offer you various types of cooling services from mobile to ductless air conditioning systems.  Customers often look for air conditioners that are energy-efficient, cost-effective, and easy to install.  Ductless air conditioners meet each of those standards.  Also called a mini split air conditioner, the ductless A/C system does not feature the traditional HVAC ductwork as its name suggests.  A ductless system is comprised of two of units:  there is a condenser that is installed outside the home and a wall-mounted air handler placed inside a room.  The temperature of a ductless air cooling system is then easily regulated using a hand-held remote control device.  In the United States, ductless air conditioners have become more popular due to their excellent cooling functions and energy efficiency.  Here are some more detailed explanations of how a mini split/ductless air conditioning system will help you to reap energy and monetary bonuses:

Zone Cooling/Heating:  One advantage ductless air conditioners have over conventional A/C is that the temperature can be fined tuned in every area of the home.  With just a remote control, a person can easily control the temperature of each room efficiently.  In the case of other air cooling systems, large amounts of electricity are wasted as zone cooling/heating is not an option.

No Duct:  As the name suggests, ductless air conditioners do not feature any ducts which helps a customer to avoid the energy losses often associated with ducts.  Energy loss from ducts in central forced air systems can mount to around 30%; this sizable loss of energy can be avoided with a ductless system.

Lower Cost:  Air conditioners featuring ducts require large expenditures of energy to moderate airflow; leaks in the ductwork are also common, as mentioned previously.  Mini split air conditioning saves energy by bypassing the ductwork and air flow issues, which translates into money saved by generating lower bills.  Air conditioners with ducts frequently require an extra and often unforeseen monetary investment with design modifications and the inevitable energy waste.

Handlers:  Ductless air cooling systems feature handlers which help track temperature.  Handlers offer the flexibility to access climate-controlled systems in any room of your house or building.  With the launch of modern and updated ductless air conditioning technology, a single condenser can now power four handlers at a time, giving you the benefit of energy and cost savings.

When you’re considering buying an air conditioner, think about purchasing a ductless system.  Keep your space cool and comfortable while also cutting down energy waste by as much as 30%, maximizing your energy savings, breathing easy through a simple installation process, and spending less of your hard earned cash by contacting Earth Energy Systems in Siren, WI.

How to Select the Best Air Conditioner for Your Home or Business

During the peak summer months when the sweltering heat weighs down, air conditioners are the primary option for keeping your home or office comfortable.  A simple fan doesn’t cut it.  Open windows only invite the humidity to stay and stick for a while. More than a want, air conditioners have become a need for many families and businesses.

If you’re considering the purchase of an air conditioner in Wisconsin, what are some factors that you should you take into consideration?  You need to determine whether the equipment will be pocketbook friendly and energy efficient, for starters.  Read on for a straightforward guide to getting the proper cooling system in place for your home or business.

For choosing the best air conditioner in Wisconsin, it’s imperative to consider:

  • Which type of unit would best suit your space?
  • What features are you interested in?
  • What are the steps for installation of the unit?

Window, central, mini split (or ductless), and built-in are a few of the types of air conditioners.  Whether your goal is to choose a portable, ductless, or energy efficient air conditioner you want to be sure that the unit has the ability to keep your room cool and comfortable during the summer months.  Cooling capacity depends on the number of people in the room and the amount of space to be cooled.  Prior to buying an A/C unit, you should take into consideration these following factors:
best air conditioners in Wisconsin
Size of Unit:  It is essential to choose a unit appropriate for the size of your room.  Make sure to gauge your room’s (or home’s) dimensions to match the size of the unit you’ll be purchasing as it’s critical to ensure that the required cooling capacity is obtained.  The cooling capacity is determined by the British Thermal Unit (BTU); BTU takes into account sun exposure, type of room insulation, location, climatology, and ceiling height so that you get the correct air conditioner for your home or office.  Air conditioners that are too big tend to use more power than necessary while one too small for its assigned space would not be efficient nor effective at its job.  Due to the variables here, it may be wise to get assistance from an air conditioner specialist in order to get a properly sized unit which will effectively remove humidity and cool your space.

Energy Efficiency:  When choosing an electronic appliance, the goal is not only to select the right product, but also to protect the environment.  You have the ability to contribute to the well-being of the environment by purchasing an energy efficient A/C unit.  Quick tip:  always purchase a unit that has a high EER (Energy Efficiency Ratio) rating; this is indicative of a smaller greenhouse gas emission.  In addition, models with a high EER rating will reflect positively on your monthly power bill.

Reliable Brand and Cost:  You may not find each feature you’re looking for in every brand available on the market; when weighing pros and cons on brands and feature availability, it’s important to consider the reliability of the unit’s name.  Select a brand that is well established and has an excellent reputation for providing maintenance services.  Most importantly, look for a valid warranty that suits your needs.  Another point to take into consideration is that prices are usually high during peak purchasing periods, so it’s a good idea to buy during an off-season if possible since prices will typically be at their lowest.

Installation:  Installing an air conditioner is not a job any person can tackle and will present unique challenges for even the seasoned handyman.  Because of this, you’ll more than likely require a professional to install and service your new air conditioning system.  An installation specialist will have the experience to ensure a smooth and timely installation, and if something were to go wrong during the process you’d be covered by a warranty.

If you’re looking to buy an air conditioner in Wisconsin, look no further than Earth Energy Systems.  We’re professionals who can provide you with the air conditioning unit perfectly suited for your situation.  Stay comfortable this summer and get in touch with us today!

Are Geothermal Heat Pumps Energy Adaptive?

Free Heating EstimatesAs Wisconsinites, we know that when it comes to the weather we’re in for cold winters and relatively mild summers.  We long for the warmth of summer as we heartily endure the bitter, long winters of northern Wisconsin.  Although we become well accustomed to the frosty winter months, the cost to keep our homes warm throughout the season is ever-increasing and never welcome.

You may be aware of alternative forms of energy to heat your home, but perhaps the cost of installation is holding you back from investigating.  Maybe if you were to build a new home you’d consider it, but doling out the cash to retrofit your existing system has to cost a fortune…right?

The up-front cost for geothermal heating is certainly an expense, but so is the existing furnace that you own.  Older forms of heating technology are only becoming more expensive and are lacking in energy efficiency (another hit to your pocketbook).  Geothermal heating does not leave you at the mercy of energy companies and is incredibly energy efficient.  A Department of Energy presentation noted that you can get the payback on your geothermal heat pump investment in three to seven years.  As an added bonus, your geothermal unit is also equipped to provide air conditioning.

Consider the cost of energy for the future:  if you use an air conditioner, identify whether your energy company charges you more for summertime peak hours.  By installing a geothermal heat pump, your cost savings (all year round!) will be between 18 and 54 percent, and this simple technology is also energy adaptive.

Earth Energy Systems out of Siren, Wisconsin can install an energy efficient geothermal system that offers dual and triple-allergen filtration and whisper-quiet operation.  This technology is constantly improving and these systems can be installed simply with little to no ductwork.  Our units have advanced features that can detect changes in the temperature of your rooms and adjust accordingly. Now is the time to make the switch:  our Energy Star systems are eligible for federal tax credits!  Be kind to the environment and your pocketbook:  contact us today.

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