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24683 State Hwy 35/70
Siren, WI 54872
Serving Burnett County & Polk County, Wisconsin for over 30 years

Author Archives: Webmaster15

Save energy with Trane Furnaces WI!

Trane Furnaces are efficient!
Energy Star is a government-backed program helping businesses and individuals reduce energy costs and protect the environment through superior energy efficiency. All Trane Furnaces WI with an AFUE (annual fuel utilization efficiency) of 90% or above meet or exceed the minimum efficiency required by the EPA for ENERGY STAR recognition. The higher the efficiency rating, the greater the energy savings for you and your family.
TraneTrane Furnaces built for Wisconsin winters!

We will help you choose the proper load calculation

We will conduct an analysis of your home’s heating needs. Earth Energy measures windows, doors, walls, and floors and checks the insulation, ductwork and building materials. When a Trane Furnace WI is not the right size for a home, many problems can result. Temperatures may be uneven throughout the house, units might not run long enough to correctly control humidity, and other issues could pop up over time. An important step to getting the most efficient Trane Furnace WI is to contact Earth Energy and have them conduct a load calculation.


Trane Furnace WITwo-stage gas Trane Furnaces WI

Trane’s furnaces are built to be as durable and reliable as possible. Since they have a high AFUE, they are quiet and cost less to operate than low AFUE furnaces. The Trane 95 furnaces are so efficient that over 95% of the fuel that you pay for is converted into heat for your home. The temperature control is very precise, delivering a high level of comfort. Your Trane Furnace WI will provide clean, comfortable air even when the weather outside is frigid.

You can really feel and hear the difference that a Trane Furnace WI makes. We stand behind this by offering a lifetime limited warranty to the original homeowner. We guarantee that if the heat exchanger fails during the first 10 years of ownership, we will replace the entire unit. The furnace also has a full 10-Year Limited Warranty on all other functional parts.


Ask Earth Energy Systems about Trane Furnaces WI!

The Internet Controlled Thermostat: Why You Might Want One

Maybe all of this internet controlled technology rubs you the wrong way. Maybe you just want the good old days where you turn your temperature dial and your heating and cooling system responds. And maybe you really miss when libraries of information were found in a library rather than your phone. We understand. There’s something inherently seductive about simplicity, but we want to make an exception for the internet controlled thermostat. We think you might too…just hear us out.

A Penny Saved is a Penny Earned

Internet controlled thermostats save you money. It’s a simple fact. You’ll likely save 20-30% of your heating and cooling costs throughout the year with a smart thermostat because, well, it’s smart.

The new generation of thermostats will analyze the patterns of your home and adjust accordingly. This saves you money because who has the time to design and perform a study necessary to analyze their home heat usage?

The device will also let you know if something’s amiss in your system which could save you a huge headache if left unchecked.

Convenience is Timeless

You most likely already have a smartphone. It has apps for everything and can be connected to virtually anything. This includes your internet controlled thermostat. I don’t care who you are, that is incredibly convenient.

Leave for vacation and forget to adjust the air conditioning? No problem. Login on your phone and the issue is solved.

Away on a sabbatical and the temperature suddenly drops below freezing? No need to risk bursting pipes: turn on the furnace with your phone.

That ability is truly remarkable.

Internet Thermostats

If you’re convinced that an internet controlled thermostat is a good idea, give us a call at Earth Energy Systems and we can help you decide what’s the best choice for your heating system. You know what, give us a call either way. If you’re still on the fence, we can answer any questions you have and help you make the most informed decision possible.

Understand the Basics of your Home Heating and Cooling System

It’s easy to take for granted our home heating and cooling systems. They operate pretty unobtrusively and do their jobs efficiently when installed by a professional. We don’t even notice their existence until something goes wrong and our home becomes very uncomfortable.

Oftentimes the first step in repair or assessing the need for repair is a simple understanding of how your system works, how to relay to problem effectively to your heating and cooling specialist, and could even include a simple solution that you, the homeowner, can tackle yourself with a good set of instructions.

Let’s break down the parts of a few typical systems and give you a basic understanding of what’s happening in home heating and cooling systems.



Your source is either your furnace (or another heating component) or your air conditioner. Oftentimes, these use the same means of distribution, such as in a forced air system when both heating and cooling systems utilize shared ductwork to regulate temperature.

Every source of your home heating and cooling systems burns energy in order to function. That could be gas, electricity, wood, etc. But energy is necessary to run the system. Knowing which form of energy is powering your system will help you to better understand how it’s functioning.



Forced air systems: An electric blower (fan) pushes hot or cold air throughout your home via metal ducts. Returns (part of the ductwork) allow for air to be redistributed and heated or cooled again depending upon settings.

Gravity systems: These make use of the science of hot air rising and cool air dropping. By that rule, gravity systems cannot distribute cool air from an air conditioner. The furnace is located below or at ground level and the warmed air rises from it throughout the home via ducts and the cool air sinks to be reheated.

Radiant systems: Radiant systems utilize heated water kept in a boiler to warm the home. The hot water is distributed via pipes through the house (the type and age of the system dictate how heat is eventually distributed) and warms the home. The air contacting the heated radiator/convector/floor is warmed and eventually warms the entire room and home.



Your thermostat regulates the temperature in your home. It’s a heat sensitive switch controlled by bimetallic elements responding to temperature changes in your home. If you have a newer thermostat, it could be controlled by solid-state elements as well.

Home Heating and Cooling System

If any of these pieces of the heating and cooling system puzzle are still a complete mystery to you, pleasecontact us at Earth Energyand we can help you better understand your home heating and cooling systems.

Why should you choose a geothermal heating and cooling system?

There are a handful of options when it comes to heating and cooling your home, and only you can be the one to decide which route is the best one for you and your family. Some options simply make more sense for specific areas and situations. However, before you glaze over at the thought of installing a geothermal heating and cooling system, let us give you ten quick reasons why should consider supporting and making use of geothermal power.


1. Reliability

Because the earth’s interior stays at a relatively constant temperature and that’s what a geothermal heating and cooling system is tapping into, you can be certain that your power source isn’t going to run dry.


2. Economy

With the implementation of more geothermal units, a greater number of individuals can find employment, particularly in rural areas with high unemployment rates. Employed people means a healthier economy.


3. Security

The less we have to rely on oil from overseas providers to function, the more secure we are as a nation.


4. Environment

A geothermal heating and cooling system is clean, green, and friendly to mother nature. Very little greenhouse gases are emitted, low electrical needs are demanded, and the land use footprint is a small one compared to any other source of renewable energy.


5. Exports

When you support geothermal energy by installing a geothermal heating and cooling system, you’re supporting an industry that is exporting U.S. goods abroad at a rate higher than it imports.


6. Local Benefits

Geothermal energy greatly benefits local communities since the installation needs to be done on site and local crews are necessary. Again, more jobs mean a better economy for everyone.


7. Versatility

We’ve talked here on the blog mostly about geothermal energy being used for homes, but it can also be implemented agriculturally in greenhouses, to keep sidewalks clear of ice, for food dehydration, in spas, and in many other areas of commerce and business.


8. Finances

When it comes to renewable energy, nothing beats geothermal on price point in the long run (think long-term fixed power prices).


9. Simplicity

While geothermal plants are state-of-the-art in their technology, they are actually quite simple and can be maintained by local workers rather than needing highly trained and educated personnel to come in and run the plant.


10. Availability

If you live on planet Earth, you can access geothermal power. It’s a highly available energy source being used across the nation.


A Geothermal Heating and Cooling System: it’s for everyone.

Do you have more questions or are you interested in installing a geothermal heating and cooling system in your home? Contact the experts at Earth Energy Systems today.

Source: http://geo-energy.org/pdf/FINALforWEB_WhySupportGeothermal.pdf


How to Select the Perfect Ductless Air Conditioner

There are many reasons you may want to install a ductless air conditioner/ heat pump in your home. Maybe you have boiler system for heating in the winter and would like something which would heat more efficiently when it’s not so cold and more permanent than a window unit. Or perhaps you’re looking for the flexibility of installation offered by a mini-split ductless system. If you’re prone to allergies, ductless air conditioning may be the answer to cooling your home and remaining healthy at the same time with the abilities to add enhanced filtration or UV air purifiers.  Whatever your reason for selecting a ductless air conditioner, there are some considerations you need to make before purchasing a unit for your home.

What’s your price point?

Ductless air conditioning WI is going to cost you anywhere from $1,500 to $5,000, depending upon the model and specifications you choose. The bonus is that mini split systems are incredible efficient and will save you money in the long haul, but you do need to consider the upfront cost and how much you’re willing to spend to get your ductless system up and running.

How many zones are you cooling?

You can purchase both single zone and multiple zone models of ductless air conditioning/ heat pump systems. Depending upon your home and room layout you can decide upon how much space you’re wanting to cool, this will be a choice you’ll have to make. The advantage of using a multi head ductless system for cooling different rooms is that you can control the temperature in each room individually. This allows for customization of your home’s temperature depending upon usage which results in utility cost savings.

How many BTUs will you need?

Simply put, higher BTUs means a greater area cooled by your ductless air conditioner. Gauge the size of the room you’ll need cooled, describe the dimensions to your contractor and purchase a system with an appropriate BTU rating.

What kind of features do you require?

There are extra features available with mini split systems. For example, many systems come with an option to upgrade to a heat pump heating system, offer a remote control for convenience, wi fi thermostat and may include a programmable timer.  Most come with a reusable filter. Think about which features would benefit you when you head out to purchase your ductless system.

Ductless Air Conditioning WI

There are many considerations to make when selecting the perfect ductless air conditioning system. Although these tips will get you headed in the right direction, it would be wise to get in touch with a professional to assist you in picking out and installing your mini split system. Contact Earth Energy Systems today for more information on ductless air conditioning WI.

ductless air conditioning WI

Separating Fact from Myth: Geothermal Heating and Cooling Systems

Myths abound when it comes to understanding geothermal heating and cooling systems. We’re here to help clear away some of the fog. Read along to relearn some of the facts you may have been believing about geothermal energy and jump on the bandwagon to a world fueled by greener energy.

Myth: Geothermal heating and cooling systems are non renewable since they require electricity.

Hold up! While it’s true that geothermal systems do require electricity, it’s a minute amount. One unit of electricity translates to five units of heating and cooling energy in your home.

Myth: There’s not enough real estate to sustain geothermal HVAC systems.

Wrong again. Vertical geothermal heating and cooling systems are able to be installed at many sites and require far less square footage than you’d expect. An additional bonus is enjoyed by those who have a nearby aquifer to access for their geothermal system. In this situation, only a few feet of precious real estate is required.

Myth: Geothermal systems need to replaced when they inevitably wear out.

Of course everything wears out eventually, but this perpetuated myth is one that can easily be flushed out. When a geothermal system is properly installed with the correct sizing, the in ground loops will last for generations. The equipment used to exchange heat that resides in the home is much less expensive and obviously simpler to replace and this equipment will still last for decades. Technology is on the side of green energy and it has proven itself invaluable as consistent improvements are made to energies such as geothermal.

Harness the power of the earth and save yourself some serious utility money by making the switch to geothermal heating and cooling systems. Make sure to contact a professional to get the most out of your system and ensure proper installation. Contact Earth Energy Systems for more information!

geothermal heating and cooling systems

Smart Thermostat: Worth the hype?

Advanced technology is seeping into every part of our lives, and our heating and cooling services are no exception.  The once futuristic idea of a smart house is quickly becoming a reality as our appliances can do everything from tell us what’s in our refrigerators to vacuum our floors for us all controlled by our handheld cellular device (or even a watch).  The same reality is true for temperature regulation in our home.  A smart thermostat is a real and present commodity, but is it worth it?  What advantages does it truly offer the modern American family?

Multi-room Temperature Readings

While traditional thermostats regulate the temperature of the entire home or building based on the temperature in one room, a smart thermostat like the one Earth Energy offers from Ecobee offers remote sensors that adjust the temperature in the rooms that need it most.

Forgetfulness Forgiven

If you leave for the day or take a vacation and happen to forget to adjust the temperature, fixing your mistake is as simple as opening an app on your phone and dialing down (or up) the temperature setting.  The smart thermometer will take care of the rest.

Real Energy Savings

Ecobee reports that homes save an average of 24 percent on heating costs and 21 percent on cooling costs with a smart thermometer.  This is a huge savings and means the system pays for itself quickly.  Due to the smart thermostat’s ability to regulate the temperature of your home or building according to a myriad of variables (environment, the inhabitant’s schedule and habits, and other principles of heating and cooling), the guesswork of what to set your thermostat at and when is taken on by the system itself.

Contact Earth Energy Systems today and ask us if a smart thermostat is right for you.  We can get you moving toward cost savings and efficiency in the temperature regulation of your home.

smart thermostat

Furnace Repair in Western Wisconsin

Earth Energy Systems provides furnace repair western Wisconsin. Give our experienced service techs a call today! We service Burnett, Polk, Barron and Washburn Counties in western Wisconsin.

Northwestern Wisconsin Furnace and Air-Conditioning Repair Services and Areas:

Earth Energy Systems performs furnace repair and service throughout Burnett and Polk County. We are also available to the western edge of Barron, as well as the Spooner area. Not sure if you’re in our service area? Give us a call!

We sell, service & repair all major makes and models of furnaces and central air conditioning units. Whether you need a new furnace or just need assistance getting your current furnace operating at peak performance, we can help.

furnace repair western WisconsinEarth Energy offers 24-hour emergency furnace repair western Wisconsin, boiler repair, and air-conditioning repair service in Wisconsin.

Some of the services we provide are:

  • HVAC service on all makes and models
  • 24-Hour Emergency Service
  • Quality Planned Maintenance Programs

Normal Business Hours:
7:30 am to 4:30 pm Monday through Friday

For After-Hour Service, call 715-349-2314

Service Rates:
We charge $ to diagnose the problem with your system. The total price of repairs will be quoted before any repair work is performed

Earth Energy Systems HVAC Service Areas Covered:

Burnett County, WI: Danbury, Grantsburg, Hertel, Siren, Trade Lake, Webb Lake, Webster

Polk County, WI: Amery, Balsam Lake, Luck, Frederic, Milltown, Saint Croix Falls

Barron County, WI: Barronett, Cumberland

Washburn County, WI: Sarona, Shell Lake, Spooner

Garage heater needed? We do that too!


What’s your relationship with your garage?

Your garage might be your workshop.  It might be the place you enjoy unwinding, working on projects, and having some time to get your hands dirty.  Or, it might simply be the spot you keep your car or prized possessions.  Either way, you want the space to stay warm or have the ability to be heated up if the need arises, and we understand that.  That’s why Earth Energy carries the Modine Hot Dawg garage heater for your residential, commercial, or industrial needs.

A garage heater designed to meet the needs of a Wisconsin winter.

Not only is the Hot Dawg incredibly effective at heating your garage or outbuilding, it also features a quiet operation and sleek, low-profile design ensuring it will blend into any garage setting.  The Hot Dawg is also painted with a durable, neutral-colored, powdered paint to ensure its longevity.  It comes in various sizes to fit your heating needs and installs hassle free from the ceiling with two included angle brackets.  Our garage heater also allows for right or left hand piping and installation and the small diameter of the vent-pipe simplifies the install process even further.  Last but not least, the Hot Dawg has a sealed and permanently lubricated motor guaranteeing dependable service.

Don’t wait:  Install the Hot Dawg before Old Man Winter comes knocking.

With a full 10-year warranty and the ability to function off of propane or natural gas, this garage heater is the perfect choice to keep your sacred space warm and usable all season long.  Head here for more information on the Hot Dawg garage heater and to peruse size options, and then contact Earth Energy Systems with any questions and to get yourself set up with a garage heater today before winter sets in with full force.

Get Ready for Winter: Residential Heating Services in WI


Autumn is often lauded as the most beautiful and loved season of the year in the Midwest.  The air is crisp, the leaves are breathtaking, and the buzz of the impending holiday season is settling in.  Schedules change, the temperature drops and our to-do lists take on an increasing amount of items to check off as we look forward to winter festivities.  In the hustle and bustle of the season, it can be easy to overlook items like maintenance of your home’s heat source.  Contact Earth Energy Systems, your go-to company for residential heating services in WI to get your home ready for the cold.

Whether you need some routine maintenance work done on your heating equipment or would like a checkup for efficiency, Earth Energy can help.  If you want to take some measures toward energy efficiency on your own, follow this checklist to begin getting your home winter ready.


Do a Leak-Check

Check around doors and windows, electric wall plugs, fireplace dampers, and heating ducts are all common sources of heat loss.  Invest in a little weather stripping, caulking, or or pre-cut foam gaskets to plug any spots cold air could sneak in.  For your furnace vents, get them properly repaired to prevent future leaks and energy loss.



Make sure your attic is insulated and seal up any holes that lead from your attic into the main part of your home.


Use Proper Light Bulbs

Making use of energy star approved light bulbs can save energy and it’s as simple as switching out your light bulbs.


These simple tips are a great step towards making your home more energy efficient and readying your space for the cold weather.  Most importantly, get your heating system checked to make sure everything is functioning properly and is ready to be turned on when you need it.  Contact Earth Energy, your premier provider of residential heating services in WI today!

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