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Siren, WI 54872
Serving Burnett County & Polk County, Wisconsin for over 30 years

Why should you choose a geothermal heating and cooling system?

Why should you choose a geothermal heating and cooling system?

There are a handful of options when it comes to heating and cooling your home, and only you can be the one to decide which route is the best one for you and your family. Some options simply make more sense for specific areas and situations. However, before you glaze over at the thought of installing a geothermal heating and cooling system, let us give you ten quick reasons why should consider supporting and making use of geothermal power.


1. Reliability

Because the earth’s interior stays at a relatively constant temperature and that’s what a geothermal heating and cooling system is tapping into, you can be certain that your power source isn’t going to run dry.


2. Economy

With the implementation of more geothermal units, a greater number of individuals can find employment, particularly in rural areas with high unemployment rates. Employed people means a healthier economy.


3. Security

The less we have to rely on oil from overseas providers to function, the more secure we are as a nation.


4. Environment

A geothermal heating and cooling system is clean, green, and friendly to mother nature. Very little greenhouse gases are emitted, low electrical needs are demanded, and the land use footprint is a small one compared to any other source of renewable energy.


5. Exports

When you support geothermal energy by installing a geothermal heating and cooling system, you’re supporting an industry that is exporting U.S. goods abroad at a rate higher than it imports.


6. Local Benefits

Geothermal energy greatly benefits local communities since the installation needs to be done on site and local crews are necessary. Again, more jobs mean a better economy for everyone.


7. Versatility

We’ve talked here on the blog mostly about geothermal energy being used for homes, but it can also be implemented agriculturally in greenhouses, to keep sidewalks clear of ice, for food dehydration, in spas, and in many other areas of commerce and business.


8. Finances

When it comes to renewable energy, nothing beats geothermal on price point in the long run (think long-term fixed power prices).


9. Simplicity

While geothermal plants are state-of-the-art in their technology, they are actually quite simple and can be maintained by local workers rather than needing highly trained and educated personnel to come in and run the plant.


10. Availability

If you live on planet Earth, you can access geothermal power. It’s a highly available energy source being used across the nation.


A Geothermal Heating and Cooling System: it’s for everyone.

Do you have more questions or are you interested in installing a geothermal heating and cooling system in your home? Contact the experts at Earth Energy Systems today.

Source: http://geo-energy.org/pdf/FINALforWEB_WhySupportGeothermal.pdf


Separating Fact from Myth: Geothermal Heating and Cooling Systems

Myths abound when it comes to understanding geothermal heating and cooling systems. We’re here to help clear away some of the fog. Read along to relearn some of the facts you may have been believing about geothermal energy and jump on the bandwagon to a world fueled by greener energy.

Myth: Geothermal heating and cooling systems are non renewable since they require electricity.

Hold up! While it’s true that geothermal systems do require electricity, it’s a minute amount. One unit of electricity translates to five units of heating and cooling energy in your home.

Myth: There’s not enough real estate to sustain geothermal HVAC systems.

Wrong again. Vertical geothermal heating and cooling systems are able to be installed at many sites and require far less square footage than you’d expect. An additional bonus is enjoyed by those who have a nearby aquifer to access for their geothermal system. In this situation, only a few feet of precious real estate is required.

Myth: Geothermal systems need to replaced when they inevitably wear out.

Of course everything wears out eventually, but this perpetuated myth is one that can easily be flushed out. When a geothermal system is properly installed with the correct sizing, the in ground loops will last for generations. The equipment used to exchange heat that resides in the home is much less expensive and obviously simpler to replace and this equipment will still last for decades. Technology is on the side of green energy and it has proven itself invaluable as consistent improvements are made to energies such as geothermal.

Harness the power of the earth and save yourself some serious utility money by making the switch to geothermal heating and cooling systems. Make sure to contact a professional to get the most out of your system and ensure proper installation. Contact Earth Energy Systems for more information!

geothermal heating and cooling systems

Prepare for Summer with a Cooling System through Earth Energy

Summer is finally here!  In the Midwest we know that oftentimes the heat of summer comes on quickly, and with Earth Energy, you can be ready for any weather by setting up the proper cooling system.  Whether you choose a geothermal heating and cooling system, a ductless air conditioning system, or another traditional air conditioning unit, Earth Energy can get you on the right track to keeping your home or business cool in time for sweltering summer temperatures.

Are you looking for an energy efficient and earth friendly way to regulate temperatures in your home or commercial building?  If so, geothermal heating is the perfect solution for you.  This summer, you could be using the simple yet limitless power of the earth to keep cool.  Not only is this a practical solution for keeping your space comfortable, it’s ultra-environmentally sound and recommended by the ECO (Energy Conservation Organization).

Whatever your home setup or financial situation looks like, we can get you on your way to having a cool home this summer.  Our ductless air conditioners give you the opportunity to bypass the traditional ductwork of air conditioning systems and are incredibly energy and cost-efficient. With air-source heat pumps, you can have the same cooling and heating power, but with the added bonus of a unit that works in reverse during the winter months. This cooling system features easy installation and is perfect for any home.

If your ductwork is already in place and you simply need an updated air conditioning unit, you’ve come to the right place.  Earth Energy can get you set up with the perfect unit for your home or commercial building.  Important considerations when purchasing a new air conditioning unit are the dimensions of your building and the energy efficiency you’d like to achieve.  With our experience and expertise both residentially and commercially, we are confident that we can meet your cooling needs no matter the challenge.

Don’t let the summer sun get a jump on you:  be ready to combat the humidity and heat and keep your home at your ideal temperature by contacting Earth Energy today and getting your cooling system ready to roll.



Are Geothermal Heat Pumps Energy Adaptive?

Free Heating EstimatesAs Wisconsinites, we know that when it comes to the weather we’re in for cold winters and relatively mild summers.  We long for the warmth of summer as we heartily endure the bitter, long winters of northern Wisconsin.  Although we become well accustomed to the frosty winter months, the cost to keep our homes warm throughout the season is ever-increasing and never welcome.

You may be aware of alternative forms of energy to heat your home, but perhaps the cost of installation is holding you back from investigating.  Maybe if you were to build a new home you’d consider it, but doling out the cash to retrofit your existing system has to cost a fortune…right?

The up-front cost for geothermal heating is certainly an expense, but so is the existing furnace that you own.  Older forms of heating technology are only becoming more expensive and are lacking in energy efficiency (another hit to your pocketbook).  Geothermal heating does not leave you at the mercy of energy companies and is incredibly energy efficient.  A Department of Energy presentation noted that you can get the payback on your geothermal heat pump investment in three to seven years.  As an added bonus, your geothermal unit is also equipped to provide air conditioning.

Consider the cost of energy for the future:  if you use an air conditioner, identify whether your energy company charges you more for summertime peak hours.  By installing a geothermal heat pump, your cost savings (all year round!) will be between 18 and 54 percent, and this simple technology is also energy adaptive.

Earth Energy Systems out of Siren, Wisconsin can install an energy efficient geothermal system that offers dual and triple-allergen filtration and whisper-quiet operation.  This technology is constantly improving and these systems can be installed simply with little to no ductwork.  Our units have advanced features that can detect changes in the temperature of your rooms and adjust accordingly. Now is the time to make the switch:  our Energy Star systems are eligible for federal tax credits!  Be kind to the environment and your pocketbook:  contact us today.

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